Saturday 10 July 2010

Ightham Mote in Kent

Ightham Mote ( pronounced Item) the most complete moated manor house in the country was first established in 1360 long before the Tudor period.
Sir Richard Clement (1521 - 1538),one of Henry VIII ministers, embellished the House with Tudor symbols, (Oriel window barge boards, Great Hall stained glass and in particular, the unique Chapel ceiling, wood panelling painted with symbols from Henry VIII.
The ceiling is painted with Tudor Roses but some are conjoined with pomegranates, the badge of Catherine of Aragon. That fits into the period that Catherine was Queen of England, up until 1533 anyway.

The house has another rather unusual claim, in that it has the only grade 1 listed dog kennel in the country. This dog kennel is the inspiration behind J.M Barrie's Peter Pan and the character of Nana, the Darling childrens large pet dog. Now you just have to take a photo of that.


Tuesday 6 July 2010

Sir Thomas More

Today is the feast day of Sir Thomas More who was executed on the orders of Henry VIII because he would not take the Oath of Loyalty to Henry and the new Queen Anne.
Sir Thomas holds the distinction of being both a lawyer and a saint.

He was the Lord Chancellor of England and was also a friend of Henry, but Thomas was a pious man and was devoted to Queen Catherine, along with Bishop Fisher who was also executed a couple of days before Sir Thomas and for the same reason.

What strength of resolve and character drove a man, who lived in exalted circles of court, to deny the King what he wanted. Sir Thomas clung to his catholic faith and refused to sign the Oath in the certain knowlege that he would meet his maker sooner rather than later as a result.

As for Henry, he had his friend executed to encourage all the rest to sign up to the new order, The new church in England of which he was now head.