Wednesday 14 April 2010

Spring at last

Whilst walking on the nature trail at Herstmonceux castle we came across our first bluebells of the season nestling in a really sunny sheltered spot near the folly by the lake. So spring is here at last, traditionally the first cuckoo is heard on the 10th of April but we didn't hear it. 90% of the worlds common bluebells are found only in britain and most of those in the South East. It's always a pleasure to get out walking in the spring.

Herstmonceux castle ( herst-mon-zoo) holds a special place, it's the first brick built castle in the country 1441, not a castle really but a crennelated manor house that is defensible with a moat. It is still one of the most significant brick built buildings in the country.

The Royal Greenwich Observatory took over the place in 1957 and built a number of telescopes, some of which are still used by the local astronomical society to have a look at a celestial event. The RGO moved out in the late 80's as most of the real observing is done in the Canary Islands now, since then the place has been owned by Queens University of Onatario, as the International Science and Study Centre, what a great place to come and study!

I used to work there when it was the RGO over 20 years ago and there was some fantastic childrens Christmas parties with loads of kids running about the place trying to find the treasure and rescue the princess from the tower. The place is also a wedding venue and the bridal suite is in one of the turrets, how cool is that?

The castle holds and annual medieval festival in August and its now the largest of it's type and lasts three days. It's now in it's 18th year and Tudor history tours will attend the festival on the August tour.

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