Thursday 27 May 2010

Fit for a King

The new exhibition at the Tower of London called Fit for a King is a real innovation in it's presentation. There are suits of Henry VIII's armour in all their magnificence on display as well as other outfits and uniforms of other Kings of England. The Armours were made for Henry to show off and to dazzle the people of course and you can see how later in life was a very portly gentleman to say it kindly, and complete with the Cod piece too.

Now the real innovation is the presentation of the the component parts of the suits of armour alongside in a frame like they were pieces of a giant plastic model. Those of you who may remember as a 10 year old trying to glue together a plastic model boat or airplane will know what it will look like. Then in between the giant model and the real suit of armour is a TV screen that shows the pieces of the model actually being taken from the frame and put together to form the whole. It is a great trick and shows how the armour fits together bit by bit.

A real joy to watch and only takes a couple of minutes to go through the loop, of course the real suit would have taken many people to assist and much longer to fit on the King.

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